
St Patrick's Holy Well

This natural spring well is beautifully situated in an open area at the base of a limestone cliff. The local people from the nearby village of Marlfield and Clonmel use the area for peaceful recreation. The overflow from the spring is channeled through two flumes, taken from an early mill, to a large pond to the east. The well is accessed by a long series of steps that run down the side of the cliff. These steps offer superb views across the pond towards the well and St Patrick's Church.

According to tradition the well was renowned for 'curing sore lips, sore eyes and 'scrofula' tuberculosis of the neck. Situated on a man made island in the centre of the pond is an early sandstone cross with an imperforate ring at the head.

The flumes

The well

Taken from the steps leading down to the well.

Situated: From Clonmel head west on the N24 for about 5 kilometres before taking a left turn signposted Marlfield. The holy well is 400 metres down here on your right.

Discovery Map 74: S 1683 2291. Last Visit: Sept 2020.

Longitude: 7° 45' 10" W

Latitude: 52° 21' 27" N

Google Map

Pics Jim Dempsey.

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